Diodorus siculus book 13 chapters

The historical library of diodorus the sicilianbook i. Soldiers storming the gate of nineveh from library of universal history vol. In the traditional arrangement of the fragments of diodorus, the fragments of books 38 and 39 are shown together, because it is not certain where the split between the two books occurred. Stylianou, a historical commentary on diodorus siculus 15 oxford, 1998, 49. Author of bibliotheca historica, diodorus of sicily, diodorus siculus, bibliothecae historicae libri qui supersunt, e recensione petri wesselingii, cum interpretatione latina laur. Chapters 114 and 115 of diodorus siculus book 17 give rise to impressive difficulties, considering their relative brevity. Contents of the thirteenth book of diodorus chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16 chapter 17 chapter 18 chapter 19 chapter 20 chapter 21 chapter 22 chapter 23 chapter 24 chapter 25. At the time that dionysius was besieging rhegium, the celts who had their homes in the regions beyond the alps streamed through the passes in great strength and seized the territory that lay between the apennine mountains and the. Diodorus siculus has 81 books on goodreads with 57 ratings. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders. Buy the paperback book bibliotheca historica by diodorus siculus at indigo.

The reign of philip ii 359336bc saw the transformation of macedon into the greatest power in the mediterranean world. Contents of the twelfth book of diodorus chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 11 chapter 12 chapter chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16 chapter 17 chapter 18 chapter 19 chapter 20 chapter 21 chapter 22 chapter 23 chapter 24 chapter 25 chapter. Diodorus siculus, book 36 fragments covering the period 104 98 b. Book 36 of diodorus siculus historical library, translated into english. The first six books are geographical in theme, and describe the history and culture of egypt book i, of mesopotamia, india, scythia, and arabia ii, of north africa iii. Diodorus siculus, greek historian of agyrium in sicily, ca. Books by diodorus siculus author of library of history. Diodorus of sicily in twelve volumes with an english translation by c. According to diodorus own work, he was born at agyrium in sicily now called agira. He wrote a history of the world in 40 books which included large sections devoted to myth, legend and the unusual customs of foreign tribes. Of this we have complete books iv egyptians, assyrians, ethiopians, greeks and books xixx greek history 480. The first part covers mythic history up to the destruction of troy.

Classical texts library diodorus siculus, library of history book 4. See table of contents for some information about how this translation has been produced, and key to translations for an explanation of the format. Diodorus lived in the time of julius caesar and augustus, and his own statements make it clear that he traveled in. Diodoros sikeliotes or diodorus of sicily was a greek historian. Diodoros sikeliotes was a greek historian, who wrote works of history between 60 and 30 bc. Bibliotheca historica wikipedia republished wiki 2.

He is known for the monumental universal history bibliotheca historica. Encyclopaedia britannicadiodorus siculus entry in the. Diodorus siculus was a greek historian who flourished in sicily in the c1st b. In this extensive work, diodorus writes about the mythological history of people groups, including the cultures of ancient egypt, mesopotamia, india, scythia, arabia, north africa, greece, and europe. At the beginning of chapter 1 diodorus has announced the opening of the year 3243 athenian archon, roman consuls, 114th olympic gamesthe.

Diodorus siculus simple english wikipedia, the free. It is arranged geographically, describing regions around the world including egypt, india, arabia, greece and europe. Of this we have complete books i v egyptians, assyrians, ethiopians, greeks and books xi xx greek history 480 302. The library of history of diodorus siculus, vol ii, book iii, chapter 14. Augeas had agreed to give heracles onetenth of his herds in payment for the cleansing of his stables. Diodorus siculus or diodorus of sicily was a greek historian. Philip ii inherited a kingdom near collapse, but his outstanding qualities as a general, statesman and. He is known for writing the monumental universal history bibliotheca historica, much of which survives, between 60 and 30 bc. Though also including in the early books studies of topography, zoology, ethnography, and paradoxography, he considers the first six books devoted primarily to the recitation of myth and legend prior to the trojan war. Diodorus siculuss most popular book is library of history, volume i.

Megasthenes on india, berossus on babylon and manetho on egypt. Diodorus siculus describes a great seismic upheaval in 1250 bc which caused radical topographical changes from the gulf of gabes to the atlantic. In book iv, diodorus discusses the history of the argonauts in rationalizing style. Uterary sources, a history of sicily and the western. Lacuscurtius diodorus siculus book xiii chapters 64. Diodorus siculus was a greek historian from sicily whose sole suriving work, the historial library, aimed to relate the mytholoy and history of the whole world. Ancient history, history, early works to 1800, world history, kings and. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Semiramis is the semidivine warriorqueen of assyria, whose reign is most clearly documented by the greek historian diodorus siculus 9030 bce in his great work bibliotheca historica historical library written over thirty years, most probably between 6030 bce. This statement may be true in the sense of a general and protracted famine. Diodorus siculus, library, book xiii, contents of the. Diodorus of sicily in twelve volumes by charles henry oldfather 1977, introduction. In the prooemium to book i, diodorus announces that he will begin thebibliothekewith a systematic treatment of the mythologies of the world i 3. The first six books are geographical in theme, and describe the history and culture of egypt book i, of mesopotamia, india, scythia, and arabia ii, of north africa iii, and of.

Written between 60 and 30 bc, diodorus siculus library of history relates significant topics in world history. Each book is further subdivided into chapters and sections. He is known for writing the universal history bibliotheca historica, much of which survives, between 60 and 30 bc. Diodorus siculus, greek historian, the author of a universal history, bibliotheke library. Diodorus drew on the works of earlier authors, such as ctesias of cnidus c. Diodorus sicily english translation c h oldfather, used. This edition, one of the bloomsbury classics companion series, provides a translation and detailed commentary of the greek and macedonian narrative of diodorus book xvi. Diodorus siculus, library, book xiii, contents of the thirteenth book. The first covers mythic history up to the destruction of.

Diodorus took generously from a praise of heracles. It consisted of forty books, which were divided into three sections. This is not found in the extant portions of diodorus. Introduction, text, and translation by ctesias by jan p. Spoerri contends that nothing in these chapters is incompatible with. Bibliotheca historica is a work of universal history by diodorus siculus.